gyms??educogym anyone use?

Home Forums Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness gyms??educogym anyone use?

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  • #4974

    hi girls

    in major need of MAJOR weight loss, 3 kids in 4 yrs and hey my body which was crap before babies, is now a disaster zone, have got so so so fed up with myself, i am making myself depressed coz i am so fat and god damm ugly….
    anyway am living in dundalk, and heard good things about educogym, takes just 20mins sessions etc, but now more research shows need to take supplements etc and then if you leave the gym, are you back to square one with weight piling on etcc? its also v expensive, 700 for 3 months…..
    advice please….. ww doesn’t suit as don’t have anyone to mind the kids for me, and then evening times don’t suit as dh works long hours, and the imperail hotel where its on is a disaster, you have to go inside the hotel and ask someone to open the door for the wheelchair access lift so you can get a buggy up!! talk about daft, but with 3 kids, don’t think they would take too kindly to 3 kids shouting etc! know ds2 wouldn’t stay quiet for long!


    Hi Ciara… I done Educogym before, the 10day session… it did work.. I lost half a stone in that time and my whole posture changed, I was alot more lean looking…. but yes you need to take supplements and follow a very strict diet.. so needless to say I didn’t stay the same!

    What about doing ww at home? Or online? Or if you have the discipline, buy a good scales and do it yourself at home? Or if you have a friend who would do it with you, you could help each other…

    Best of luck with it… join us on the weight loss thread too…

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