Good Luck Chewie for Prawn Idol Final!!

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    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hi chewie
    enjoy tommorow best of luck xxx

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Just want to wish our very own Mumstown singing superstar, Chewie, the very best of luck at the Prawn Idol finals tomorrow, at the festival in Clogherhead.

    We’ll be there to cheer her on – as her adoring fans!!!

    Best of luck Chewie, we know you’ll do great 😀 😀


    good luck i know you’ll do great


    Aw… thanks girls! 😳

    Must admit, the butterflies are going ballistic…. it has been so many moons since I’ve done this, and Dh will be with me on-stage… so, should be loads of fun for the two of us!

    C U there! xxx


    Best of luck Chewie!!


    good luck chewie 😀


    well done girl… proud of ya….

    it was a wet one……and there was great craic from all who entered…


    Well done….. 🙂 I thought u were both great….I enjoyed ur song. Pity the crowd weren’t a little quieter though 🙁 …….but u did really well. What other talents are you keeping well hidden. 😉


    Aw thanks ladies…. I’ll put that one down to experience…..
    You are far too kind…. Maybe there will be another occasion where you can actually hear me sing… as unfortunately I wasn’t able to hear myself, or my hubbie.

    But well done to the Clogherhead committee…. seems like they had a very busy weekend, and the amount of organising that the poor committee had to put into it! And good ‘ol Mumstown… keeping the mammies and the babbies happy! 😉

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Chewie, you were great and so was your hubby. It was getting late and the crowd were a bit rowdy so it was quite hard to hear, which is a pity because you have a lovely voice.

    I was standing by the stage (my 5 year old was dancing along right in front of the stage so I was keeping an eye on her) and I could hear you fairly well but the sound was not travelling well and as people were drinking they were getting noisy. I wish you had been on at the start before they were all rowdy and noisy!!

    Well done, it was great to see you in action and you looked gorgeous too, purple is really your colour 😀


    Yes missus you have an amazing voice and i would pay to listen to you anytime. There was so many technical problems onstage and with the noisy crowd you had avery difficult job but that didnt take away anything from your brrilliant voice. Well done.I’m going to keep you on speedial for future family weddings. 😀 Look forward to hearing you sing again!!!!!
    Next years Idol?????


    Thanks ladies! 😳

    So…. if any of you know anyone getting married and needing a vocalist for wedding ceremony…. let me know… We can learn anything required for special requests too…

    Feels good to be back behind the mike again!

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