going on hols ..any advice please!?

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    I can’t give much advise as I have never traveled abroad with a young baby. Just thinking of the obvious things I always bring on hols for kids any age…..’baby/kids first aid box’ with
    * calpol & neurofen(can give both if necessary as one is paracetomal and
    one is ibuprofen
    * Paralink Infant Suppositories (if baby is vomiting/needs pain relief)
    * therometer
    * dioralyte
    * teething gel even if not teething yet, could start up anytime.
    * Burnshield Hydrogel (best emergency care for burns of any type-get in
    * a good nappy rash cream in case of bad nappyrash
    * insect repellent if necessary (again boots do one for 6mth up-
    http://www.boots.com/en/Boots-Repel-Onc … Repellent-

    A sun-canopy for your buggy.
    Spare soothers if baby takes a certain one as they can refuse a different soother and you might not get the same one as you have.
    Disposable bibs are great for travelling if you use bibs.
    Their own spoon if spoon feeding, again babies can be fussy.

    The obvious things like enough nappies, formula, wipes etc. nappy sacks.


    hey mums
    I’m going to north africa with my 5 mth old and was looking for advice an what to bring…have got sterilzing bags for bottles which someone told me about if your on hols! …and factor 50 sunscreen was wondering if I should take rehydration salts incase of dehydration?!!?any other essentail tips would be appreciated cause am nervous about the baby in the sun!


    As well with Mummy5 list,
    have with you in HAND luggage extra nappies, wipes and at least 1 or 2 extra feed , if there is any delay, you can be stuck in boarding area with main luggage check-in.
    It did happen to me once, delayed by 6 hours for a less than 2 hours flight! By law they have to provide a meal, but nothing says it has to be a child friendly meal. My daughter was then 12 months old, they gave us an adult meal (sandwich + fizzy drink), we were lucky to have a bit of milk and a banana in the bag (was the left over of the dine in the car breakfast….) and we gave her the ham from the sandwich.

    Now with liquid regulations on the airport, I would buy some ready made formula, because they might let you go with it.
    There is a boots after customs, but don’t know if they have formula, but have water for sure, and you could have a bottle made.

    As well have his favorite jar handy. Again for jar check the size because of airport police regulations.
    Don’t know if Boots in airport will sell it.

    Don’t know if you’re breastfeeding or bottel or solids, but I would have a jar or 2, you never know and you can reclosed it for the plane, and I would introduce it once before. 5 month it’s the time where some babies will have solids some won’t.

    In the plane the baby ears can be sore, have something to suck on (doddie, bottle, even if you don’t normally use it, it’s a good idea to have it for the plane, and take it away after, you won’t confuse the baby).

    As well it’s recommended for young children and babies not to be outside in the sun ( I think even in the shade, because of UV reflected by the sand are quite strong) between 12 and 4pm.

    As well if it’s very hot, I would offer water in between milk feeds, if it takes it.

    Enjoy your holidays.


    Sorry I was of track, it was about baby and sun, not general tips.
    So no sun in airport to be worried about.

    The best sun protection is a clothes, shadow, and cream on body parts you can’t cover.
    Have a hat with neck protection could be nice.

    As well if you go around now, the sun won’t be to bad.
    You did not say what time of the year you’re going.



    A net to keep baby covered and keep flies etc away. Do you use a baby sling? I used these when my babies were small, found them a great way to get around with baby attached to you. Keeps your hands free and you can feed baby and even let them fall asleeep in there – they’re brill. (Heybaby.ie has some good ones, click their ad to see the range)

    Suncream is not usually recommended for babies under 6 months old, you are advised to keep them out of the sun and in shade as much as possible. If they will be exposed to the sun, them of course put some on but try to keep baby in the shade as much as you can – so bring plenty of sun hats!

    Hope that helps, good luck getting organised and have a great trip. 😀


    Just as a matter of interest….
    In the hot African climate, babe will probably be a lot more tired, faster…. the heat takes it out of them. I’ve travelled a few times with my two, and they were both babies….
    VERY important….ears on the plane…. even if babes is just sucking on a bottle / juice or nursing…. just to keep those ears painfree… take off, and landing…. otherwise you’ll have a screaming child on your hands.
    Normally very hot on the airplane… ask for a bassinet (pre-book) with the airline so at least you have somewhere to put babes and give yourself a break.
    So, layer clothing in accordance with how you feel…

    As for the sun…. keep babes hydrated…. and in the African sun…. keep child out of it definately from 10 am – 2 pm …. as those are the hottest hours in the sun. Obviously use your own common sense…. just keep babes in the shade and in cool, light clothing….

    Enjoy!!! Wet wipes, Calpol, Nurofen….. and take your own thermometer…. always handy. 😉

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