Fri 26th Nov – Leinster House protest. How will it go?

Home Forums National Chat Fri 26th Nov – Leinster House protest. How will it go?

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    Any and all comments welcome, there’s about 24 hrs before it’s due to happen at this stage…


    Is it not the 27th Nov? I have seen lots of media reports and ads all over for Sat 27th?


    I am looking at a fb in vitation I have only, so Id say that more likely to be wrong than what u r saying, must be sat?


    The ICTU protest is on Saturday 27th. They have been talking bout it on radio all day


    Any and all comments welcome, there’s about 24 hrs before it’s due to happen at this stage…

    Will i be there NO!!! WHY whats the point? Its like locking the door after the horse has bolted…… we should have marched on the Dail 2, 3, 4 years ago…. we are in shite, suck it up and take the medicine, heads down, noses to the grindstone and work our way out of this recession, might take 20 years, but we are where we are no amount of marching will make a jot about it….. we need to think of the eurozone and other EU countries that this unrest could take down with them too…. if this weakens the euro more, we could all be in big trouble!!!! Tony Blair will be delighted he didnt bow to pressure to join the euro zone! 😆 😆 😆


    I heard theree was a silent protest today org thru Twitter – You’re FFired.

    Heard there were about 40 there


    I will be there. I think its time to get off my bum and go and stand outside government buildings to convey my feelings on the matter. And I know thousands of others will be doing the same. People may feel what is the point but that might be in line with thinking what was the point in fighting all those years ago to become an Independent Nation? Its never too late too voice your opinion. I think the Irish have been silent too long and too long have we bickered about it among ourselves saying how awful it is, how terrible, how can it have come to this. Well lets do something about it – lets go and take a stand – thats what our ancestors did. Maybe it will make a difference. Maybe not. But at least we can say we did it!


    I will be there. I think its time to get off my bum and go and stand outside government buildings to convey my feelings on the matter. And I know thousands of others will be doing the same. People may feel what is the point but that might be in line with thinking what was the point in fighting all those years ago to become an Independent Nation? Its never too late too voice your opinion. I think the Irish have been silent too long and too long have we bickered about it among ourselves saying how awful it is, how terrible, how can it have come to this. Well lets do something about it – lets go and take a stand – thats what our ancestors did. Maybe it will make a difference. Maybe not. But at least we can say we did it!

    Failte i salute you and everybody else going up… as i said i wont be going, youwould have to stand there and set yourself on fire before those bright sparks in the Dail would even notice.
    I would have went up last year to protest about the budget cuts etc, but not this year, whats done is done, we are up the creek without a paddle and i dont see what rocking the boat will do for us as a country or the euro and share value. The thicks in Leinster house have taken Ireland down, Godforbid we take the rest of europe with us!!!! 😯


    I heard theree was a silent protest today org thru Twitter – You’re FFired.

    Heard there were about 40 there

    Maybe nobody heard about it 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


    lolololololololololololololol 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    50,000 people turned up, thats a great response especially with the weather. Expect lots more to follow….this has to put pressure on Brian Cowen to step down.

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