Free tea/coffee and playtime?

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    Hi mums,

    I am kind of at a loose end. I had to sell my car recently as we could no longer afford the costs. I am now at home with my DS all day with no means for us to get out and about. I used to have a very busy schedule during the week doing the grocery shopping, taking him to playgroups, pre-school, visiting my parents etc etc but now I feel totally trapped and my DS doesn’t get the same interaction with other children as he used to. (My DP has a car but needs it for work and usually only gets one day a week off now)

    So I was thinking of setting up a little playgroup at home. My DS has a ton of toys and books and no one to play with.

    I was wondering if there was anyone free on a Monday or Friday morning/afternoon who would be interested?


    I am sure you will find loads who are interseted. My dd is older now and at school so it would not really suit us , but defo would have been up for it a few years ago 😆

    There are plenty of this type of thing going on outside of the home if you need to get out, and not all cost a fortune..most of the playcentres around do a coffee/ play morning for around a fiver or the coffee shops do regular mums meeting days as do the library.

    Keep checking around on this site for details.


    dunno where abouts you’re based but if on a bus route getting into drogheda should be ok for you not to costly and when ya get to know people or if want to invite to your house as ya said those with cars could bring ya out iykwim…..
    how old is your ds?



    I havent had a car since my Ds was born due to cost and eco reasons ,he is three now, we live in Mornington…have managed okay you do find ways round it and the buses do seem quite reliable…

    your idea seems great…my ds is in playgroup now so he gets lots of company but a cpla years back i woudl of jumped at your offer…i am sure it wil get off the ground….

    Good luck,


    Ps…have you thought of childminding?if you are housebound you could mind children at home and then it woudl give Ds company & u extra spends???


    I am very interested!! My weeman (3) was in playschool since Sept but never really settled and now I have taken him out as he has to get tonsils out soon and kept catching throat, chest and ear infections! And couldnt afford to pay for a place he wasnt using! Already missed one op due to illness! Anyway, I am desperate for him to mix with others so would love to be involved…just let me know!


    i’m also at home with my 3 (soon to be 4)
    my dd was in playschool last year but we weren’t happy with it so took her out, she needs to mix with others her own age (she’ll be 4 soon)
    your a brave woman offering to let a bunch of children take over your
    i bring mine to the playgroup in palace street its on tuesdays 10-12
    very friendly and nice people, the only drawback is trying to get the children down the steps when i’m this pregnant 🙄
    good luck with the tea/coffee thing 🙂



    Im also intereted in this, I have a ds who is 3, he’s in playschool mon-thurs mornings but I find he is lost for company in the afternoons and all day fridays, he gets frustrated coz his little brother who’s only 8mths cant talk back to him!!!


    Hi littleleaf!

    I’d be very interested too!!!! Not sure whereabouts you are or how old your DS is but I’m at home with my DS who is nearly 1 and would love to meet up with other mums and give him chance to interact with others. OK so he’d be smaller than some of the others who’ve shown interested but I’m not bothered if you’re not!!!!!

    It’d be great for our own sanity let alone the LO’s!!!!!!

    Louise xxxx

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