I was looking through my collection of movies and found E.T!
Would you think it’s appropriate for a 6 and 3 year old to watch. I loved this movie when i was younger!!
I don’t think my 3 son would sit through it but would E.T be too scary for them. I know silly question but curious.
My ds who is 3 watched ET over the christmas and loved it, he was glued to it from start to finish and asked a million guestions. He did get upset when he thougth ET had died
I loved that film when I was little, I saw in the cinema 4 times.
Talking of the old type films and there suitability we sat down at Xmas to watch Gremlins with our 5 year old..whoops!!! My god- had forgot about Gremlins being pushed in to Microwaves and Liquidizers and having knives thrown at them 😳
GREMLINS!!! I was also a gremlin watcher, Gizmo was TOO cute..son got a glimpse on Halloween and freaked!! They are pretty scary if you think of a gang of the creepy ones coming after you! HAHA.