Dublin Airport closed until afternoon 23/12

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    Siobhán @ Mams

    Dublin airport is closed again today, hopefully will re-open this afternoon. Best of luck to all those trying to get home for Christmas. The airlines will be putting on extra flights and doing their best to clear the backlog and get as many people on to the flights they are waiting for.

    More updates at : http://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/dubl … 86741.html


    Feel really sorry for anybody trying to get into or out of the country to be with family for Christmas.

    It must be so frustrating, hopefully it ll stay open for the rest of the day and tomorrow and everybody can get to where they want to be.

    How nice would it be to be jetting off somewhere warm and sunny for a couple of weeks 8) 8)

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Aer Lingus cancelled all outgoing flights that were scheduled after 4pm today while they clear the backlog and hopefully, flights will resume tomorrow.

    Would love a bit of sun…be so nice to sit on a beach now 🙄 🙄


    Airport closed until 11pm!!!! Its heartbreaking for anyone trying to get home…. our friends were to be coming home from Boston for the holidays, they had the boys xmas presents etc… they are sooo upset, but they are heading to New York to a plush 5 star hotel to make up for not getting home to family and friends…. I think the hardest thing is mums or dads not getting home to their kids, it would be my worst nightmare


    Now closed until 5am.. boo..hoo.

    My brother is trying to get home from San fran tomorrow. Please, please let there be a miricle.

    Also, My brothers girlfriend was trying to get home to her mother in Slovakia for xmas day, her dad just passed away a couple of months ago, so she is so upset. Anyway there is no hope of that now. She is coming to my mams instead.

    Hopefully my brother will make it or my mam will be heart broken if he doesnt.

    super minder

    my sisiters on her own in amsterdam she works there. she had a fall and broke two ankle bones and a knee jonit. her boyfriends been in the airport since last monday trying to get out. she has rebooked her flights everyday for him. he doesnt drive and counldnt get home to ashbourne tuesday night. there no vouchers been giving out no hotels left nothing . yesterday he got on the plane and sat for 3 hours on the plane to be told to get off and airport going to close again.

    god my poor sister up 3 flights of stairs and all alone for xmas. im crying writting this. im trying to say happy for my two kids but harder to be in tip top shape. she upset down the phone and rings me 8 maybe nine times a day just to talk to someone. luckly her work mate popped by on tuesdayto bring her food and more pain killers. i just want 2010 to be over and some better luck next year. for everyone.


    I know how you feel, my brothers flight from paris has been cancelled.

    He is now stuck in paris alone for christmas.

    He made it all the way from san fran to there but can get no further, so near but so very far away.

    I know he is not hurt & can look after himself, it could be way worse, but i cant stop crying since i heard.


    Ah girls that is just terrible, lets hope they get home on the 26th or 27th

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