Doing My driving test do i need a full license driver??

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    Hi gang

    I am doing my test tomorrow the day the law comes into action.

    I am just wondering do I need a full license driver to come to the test centre with me?? If the tester saw I was on my own then would that be a fail???? :roll:

    Very annoying all this provisional license business!!!!! :x

    I understand its important but im soooo worried stressed about it i feel sick. If I fail then i have no stop driving, so who drives the kids to school? who drives me to work so i can pay for my bills, mortgage etc??? Im in a right panic!

    And to make matters worse Ive done 10000000 3 point turns and reversing backwards and Im still getting it wrong!

    I have to be the worlds biggest test hater! I physically get sick just thinking about tomorrow :oops:

    Its all blah de blah to me and I just cant get it! Im a very safe driver and I would never speed drink drive or overtake other cars like a lot of mad drivers out there! Why cant they just leave me alone and get on with my safe driving! Im quite happy being a learner I have no shame!!!!!!!!! :D


    it was said today in a radio that gards are going to go by common sense rule.

    if you have with you some official note that you are going to do your driving test on such and such day and you are checked by garda it shouldn’t be a problem.

    and above all RELAX
    😆 😆


    I think it would be a problem if you go alone (but dont guote me) you meet the tester inside and they go over the questions then walk you to the car so they only time they see you driving is when your with them
    You’ll be fine…. let us know how you get on


    Best of luck today HappyMammy! Not sure on that one, maybe give them a ring if you have time…


    best of luck today happymammy


    Best of luck happymammy i’m sure you will do great.


    Good luck today!


    No news yet from Happymammy? I dont wnat to text her as I dont know what time her test is at, not a great day weather wise for a test, but that might be a good thing as the traffic will be heavy and no chance of speeding


    best of luck happymammy. you will be fine.

    on the subject of having a full licence driver with you, it has always been like that, its just the guards are going to enforce it now. when i did mine in dundalk i didnt have anyone with me and they never said a thing.


    hope you pass!!!!!!!!!! good luck!


    Ed it was always of the belief that once you got your second licence that you no longer needed a fullylicenced driver with you, but this isnt the case and no matter what licence your on you need a qualified driver with you.
    I think its all now down to a massive clamp down on road saftey and the increased number of accidents and deaths of young drivers who dont have the driving experence and driving last a night. So it just one move to try and reduce the number of road deaths


    I passed!! yippeeeeee thank flip for that!!

    What a nervo!

    I will never ever return to Navan the traffic was mental and the amount of old people who just walk out in front of you! They’re everywhere!!!!! 😆

    Anyway its all over with now. Probably the worst experience ever I dont think i was that nervous giving birth!

    Thanks for all the lovely mails.. 😀 Going to crack open the vino tonight now.


    Congratulations Happy, its such a great feeling isnt it, knowing you will never have to do it again.

    Happy driving 😆


    You get extra points for an OAP 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Im delighted for you, with the new law it must be a great relief


    Congrats well done!! Knew you would do it.

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