Dog Breeding Legislation…improve animal welfare in Ireland

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    Please email Minister Eamon O’Cuiv at email address below to ask him to support this legislation & help improve our appalling animal welfare in this country………especially the horrific puppy farms :(

    Animal Welfare Groups appeal for Minister Eamon O’Cuiv to sign commencement order of Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010

    A coalition of animal welfare groups comprising of the ISPCA, Dogstrust, DSPCA and the Irish Blue Cross have written to new Minister for the Environment Eamon O’Cuiv imploring him to sign the commencement order required to bring the Dog Breeding Establishments Bill into effect before the current Dail is dissolved.

    The controversial legislation was finally passed last summer after extensive debate but its commencement was postponed until 2011 to allow for the amendment of the Greyhound Bill. However, the order necessary to bring the act into force has not as yet been signed.

    ISPCA Chief Inspector Conor Dowling said “Ireland now has an appalling reputation internationally with respect to dog breeding and this legislation is absolutely essential to allow for regulation of the practice”.

    Legislation governing dog breeding exists in most countries but the lack of such laws in Ireland has led to the widespread mass production of puppies. The welfare conditions in many of these establishments are sub-standard and this has led to Ireland being called “The Puppy Farm Capital of Europe”.

    Mr. Dowling added “A huge amount of time and effort went into the formulation of this act and all that is required now is the Minister’s signature. If this legislation does not come into effect now, animal welfare in Ireland could be set back years. We are therefore appealing to Minister O’Cuiv to finish the process”.

    Please email Minister for the Environment Eamon O’Cuiv to urge him to sign the commencement order

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