Does the hospital send out an appointment?

Home Forums ASK THE EXPERT Pregnancy & Birth Does the hospital send out an appointment?

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    Hi All,

    I am planning to attend Our Lady’s of Lourdes hospital to have my baby. I went to the EPU and need to go back there in a few weeks and they made me an appt there and then.

    But for my main ante natal visit do I make an appt myself or do they just send it out to me? I am going public this time (went private in the past but felt it a waste of money, still left for hours waiting on doc to come down from hospital to see patients in her private rooms and no private/semi private rooms available either)

    But I have not heard a word from hospital about an appt? Getting concerned because I dont want to leave to long and then have to wait ages for an available appt.


    if you call the antenatel clinic and check they will advise and give you the date etc…


    You actually need to go to your GP to confirm the pregnancy. Gp then sends a letter to OLOL Hospital Antenatal Clinic who then post you out an appointment letter.

    Keep in mind this is slooooowwwww as mud with apts being around your 18-22 week mark. Far too late for a first appt in my opinion.

    I know this process all to well as I am 12 weeks pregnant and have no apt letter as of yet and let me GP know at 5 weeks pregnant!!!

    If you need to ring antenatal sec directly num is: 0419874733
    Karen or Audrey are secretaries


    you’re better off calling the clinic, as i called when i was about 13 weeks and they hadn’t received my letter from gp even though he had sent it at 5weeks he had a copy of it, and sent it twice so i called and they scheduled just got doc to fax letter again….

    Siobhán @ Mams

    If you call and have a chat with the midwives, they can assist you and advise about getting your first appt.

    I was nervous about waiting too long for my first booking appointments as I had some complications previously and they were able to bring my appt forward for me to 14 weeks, which was helpful for me.

    Good luck, hope that helps.


    Thanks everyone,

    I rang to find out and they have my GP referral but no appt until 16 weeks gone. Explained my dates have been changed by EPU by three weeks (later) and the midwife was excellent and has arranged for me to be seen in the EPU for another scan and again at 12 weeks. Shw has advised me they will not to change my dates on the referral so I will seen at 13weeks.


    Caligal i didnt know you were pregnant… a huge congrats xxxxxx


    Thanks Taylor..Was keeping it hush till I was a little ways a long 😉

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