Death of the dishwasher….

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    Me = 1 x unhappy mother….

    I think dishwasher has washed it’s last dish… and I am not happy.
    Anyone know of anyone who fixes them before I have to go down the "buy a new one" route…… :roll:


    Oh i dont know… but my washing machine is on its last legs, have 2 more loads to go and im holding my breath that they get done, its 9 years old so did me good service.

    My Niflisk hover make a pop sound last night, its still working but not as good as before…. whats next?? It happens in 3’s

    Is there a man Engilshby or something that fixes white goods? sorry maybe someone will have his name and number


    Willie Englishby 041-9826267, Collon.

    Thought my dishwasher was gone there few weeks ago. Not washing properly at all. Turned out have to push the top rack in tight manually, ever time before starting a wash. wasn’t going in far enough to make the connection where the pipe connects to the water supply, so no water getting in to the arm on the top rack. Took me few weeks of pulling it apart to work it out though 😳 Another time was a bit of clear plastic from somwhere 😕 stuck inside the bottom arm and stopping water getting out.

    Sure you’ve checked it all outfor little probs.


    That happened me too with the connector for the top arm, it has moved and the top arm wasnt slotting in enough….. my heater went in mine a while back only 50e to fix


    My dad is fixing things.
    But, execpt the part that flights from France can be expensive.
    you’ll need time and PATIENCE, last time he fixed dishwasher for my mum, she had to spend 2 months! with dishwasher in the middle of the room, until he found out what was wrong.
    They still have one he found somewhere thinking he’ll fix it. It’s on my parents front door, great for decor!
    He’s retired now, and try new things but fixing stuff is NOT his best ability.

    Try the man advised by Mummy5, don’t know him but I’m sure he’s better than my dad.

    But if you have some patience, my friend is going to change her kitchen and will have to change her dishwasher that works well for an integrated one. Sure she’ll give it or sell it for very little.
    But I recon it’s going to take up to 8 weeks until it’s finished (if you’re interested I can ask her a more precise date). Let me know.



    Thanks gals….

    Nope…. ICU for dishwasher last night… and DH has pronounced beyond hope. So, replacement is on the cards…. (DH is normally pretty good with these kinds of things)
    The electrics are shorting out everything else in the house, and it isn’t draining at all…. so, time for a new one.
    And it has to be integrated too….

    Now, the hunt for a new one begins…. feel free to advise any good places to get a good deal…. has to be integrated, couldn’t care about the make… the water is so hard this side that spending a fortune isn’t wise… calgon needed!

    Financial Companion

    Chewie, how old is it? The reason I ask, is a lot of people assume that once the warranty of 1 or 2 year is up, they have no comeback. Under the sale of goods and supply of services act, a product must be of "merchantable quality", which means "suitable for the purpose for which it was designed". Obviously, when you buy something like a dishwasher you should be getting a few years out of it at least. If not, you could have a case to get it repaired free of charge. Of course, a sales assistant that greets you in the store may not even be aware of this, the large stores do make it difficult, but if you are persistent enough, you will often win through! If they say it’s warranty is out, just point out that the warranty is a manufacturer’s extra and does not affect your statutory rights, and remind them that it would be expected to last more than 18 months or 2 years (I have used the sentence, "are you saying that your fridges should only last for a year or two? because if so, I think a few journalists and radio chat show hosts would love to quote you on that"!! Usually gets things moving! 😉 ) My rule of thumb with white goods is if the first time it breaks down is over 4 years, go for a new one if repair is expensive, if it’s less than 4 years, I hit them with the sale of goods act! 😉


    Fin Com, I’d say we are closer to 4 years….

    I’m not one who is shy to confront when needed, I can assure you. Poor chaps in Sony shop got an earful from me yesterday….
    (Lets just say that customer service needs to be up to scratch, otherwise the Public Relations Officer in me comes screaming to the forefront…) 😆

    But thanks for the input…. one doesn’t think of things like that! You immediately assume, warranty over…. time for a new one! I’ll be keeping your advice in mind!


    4 years that very young in the terms of life of a white goods item!

    my washing machine did last the night… but its dying slowly, i took the filter off and a few coins were in it, so please god thats what was causing the pump to make the noise it was making…

    Someone got stuff in either DID or Powercity, think it was DID, got it last weekend HALF PRICE!!!! Briscoes are very very good and their white goods last forever


    bought a new beko tumble dryer in power city last week €129.00 Saw the same one in the new argos catalogue the other day for over €200!! mad!


    Waffy do you know the energy rate on the dryer? Is it a piped one or other type (dont know the name) Thats a brilliant price my mam is looking for a small cheap dryer, she is paying 10e to bring the washed clothes to the drycleaners


    Are you still in the grieving period or he’s long forgotten and you now are in love with a new one?



    i think she’s sorted, just when i was going to buy her fluffy marigolds and all….


    My washing machine is still going and the hover was still working but no suction at all…. changed bag but nothing worked, i dropped some pasta down the hose and it came out, but was trying to hover up some popcorn and it made a pop pop sound, after taking the hose apart it was a lego tube stuck in the hose, so small bits of dirt was getting through but not the bigger bits, delighted if figured out the problem


    I’ve often been fobbed off with "your warranty is up" line! I’m going to keep that advice and use it next time I have a problem!

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