Creatures in the Attic

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    Its that time of year agiain – its getting cold outside, so little creatures are coming in to hibernate and nest in our houses!

    We’ve been hearing scurrying and scratching in the walls for weeks now, and the Hubbie found a nest in the attic last night, while getting the halloween decorations.

    He said its fairly big, made with long pieces of straw, etc and with a hole in the middle. Whatever made it is big enough. And the hubbie was too afraid to go near it incase a Rat of something attacked him!

    Has anyone any ideas what it could be? We had a squirrel on the side of the house a few weeks ago – do they nest in houses?


    it could be a squirl or a birds nest dont think mice or rats make a nest the just go where it is warm and dont think rats come in to houses eitre


    Ive a pic of that squirrell on my bebo page ej!!!!!!!!!! Cd be havin babies in ur attick……….BUT my bro come home from hols with a wee present in a trap!!!!!!!!! So they mice too where ever theyre comin from! Not sure if theyve had any more since!!!!!!!!!!!! Rather u guys than me!!!!!!!!! Oh jes! The thought of them!


    Our neighboiur called in the other night. They have mice..they better not jump the wall into my place


    you have it all ahead of ya jo when yours is built 🙂 🙂 🙂

    rotten disgusting things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I hope we are lucky enough to escape them this year!


    No ould tiger n hop-along are me good mates n like to leave the mice DEAD at the back door!!!!!!!!!!! Ill get 10 cats if they keep them all away! I have to say theyre good pussies!!!!!!!! Joes mam never had a mouse alive yet in house in 2 yrs since i got them for her! Theyll be comin to our house deffo!


    oh i hate cats!!!!!

    i only had mice in the house once in 3 years, think the rat was a once off from a cat GRRRRRRR see why i hate animals 🙂


    Well j’s has a farm so kinda NEED a cat!!!!!!! Can ya imagine it without them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eh thats worse!!!!!

    Imagine havin an attic full of squrrells??!!!!!!! Thatd be mad!!! Cd be multiplyin by the min!!!! I hear theyre worse than rabbits at it! Seriousily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EJ wd the kids not like a few pets?!


    oh the thoughts of another creature burrowing in the attic, sending shivers down me spine


    Ah but hes a cute squirrell! Did ya not see him on my bebo yummy sayin hi!


    Love cats and so does E, but unfortunately DH HATES them, so slim chances of getting one……. yet!!!


    i hate cats because when i was renting in dublin the owners had a cat and it always came back to the house every time i opened dds bedroom window the fecker used to get in and piss every where the smell of the room was horrible and she was only a baby at the time could you imagine the thing climbing in on top of her 👿 👿 👿


    Not mad on cats or dogs really – too much lookin after involved, and smells too!!! 3 Kids, plus one husband provide enough of all that!!!!!!

    Jo is the pic you have of the squirrell on my house???? PM me your bebo.


    Did ya see him ej?!!!!!

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