having a clear out wondering what to seel and what to throw out…..
why not help your community too while doing your clear out…..
anything you can sell try sell if not give to local charity shop that goes for baby clothes etc….
CLOTHES HANGERS – why not give to local dry cleaners or ironing service good way to reycle rather than chucking in the bin
Clothes – Women / Teenager / kids clothes (not so much baby) – Women’s Refuage Centre Drogheda will take them (going direct to women in the surrounding area) in good condition
Clothes – Not good condition – Recycle bins
Clothes – Men or male over 18 type – Drogheda Homeless Aid will take them gladly
Why not check if baby care unit will take newborn clothing or if there are playgroups or centres that will take toys…even check out if Mosney will take some items……at least you’re doing your bit for the society and community…..recycling clothes to others can make a huge difference to them after all you were going to do was chuck them ……. the door collecting clothes flyers you get are companiesthat use them forscraps for service depts and also they sell the clothes too, so really they don’t reach who you think will reach…this way you are seeing that they get to those who need them the most…..