Chocolate Cake!!!

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    Aw thanks Taylor…. that is great….


    okay… this will probably sound like a really STUPID question… but it has been bugging me no end…

    The thing is… I love baking… I have always baked…. and back in the day, and in SAfrica, I used to make a pretty mean chocolate cake…. (or lets just say I had a FANTASTIC recipe, and it was idiot-proof! 😆 )

    Now, the problem is… the ingredients we have over there, differ from the ingredients / makes you have over here…

    No matter what I do… I can’t get the cakes to rise like they would in SA. What could I be doing wrong? I’ve tried different brands of flour…. different temps to bake at…. you name it….

    OR…. does someone have a really yummy rich chocolate cake recipe for me? But telling me to buy x brand flour…. x brand butter / marg etc…

    Told you it was stupid… but will someone please put me out of my misery??


    post up what you would use over in SA, maybe that would help….

    I use Odlums flours and i use stork marg, just find they are both the best and its what my mammy would use, so i do the same. Here is a recipe for chocolate cake from the odlums site (about 5 different types) … olate-cake

    the odlums site is brilliant for anyone baking, its all quick, easy and fool proof


    Are you mixing the flour too much? This releases the gluten when overmixed and will make the cake tough.

    Can also add baking powder to make cake rise. Always sift the flour to aerate as well.

    This is one of my simple go to choc cakes. From scratch to the table in 30 mins or less!

    "Marie’s Sticky Chocolate Cake"

    Put 300 ml (10.14 oz) sugar
    200 ml (6.76oz) flour
    4 Tbsp cocoa powder
    1 tsp vanilla sugar

    Mix above ingredients in a bowl with wooden spoon.

    Add 3 eggs and 200g melted BUTTER

    Stir gently again

    Put everything in baking tin with a removable base and bake for 20-25 mins at 150C.

    Let it cool and sprinkle some icing sugar on top or cover with whip cream and fresh berries.

    So fudgy, delicious and EASY!!!


    Caligal… that sounds yummy! Will definitley give it a go…..
    Question…. where’d ya get vanilla sugar?

    with flour, we would normally use self raising for sponges…. or… use cake flour (I’m assuming is your cream flour)… and add a raising agent….
    But you could wellbe right… perhaps I’m mixing too much….
    will be less heavy handed and see how I do!

    oooohhhh that cake shop in Drogheda….. I could have a field day in there. And the girls are just so helpful!!


    can get vanilla sugar at Tesco in the exotic ingredients section. It’s part of the "Tesco Ingredients" range which has a silver/cream label. It comes in a plastic jar with a red rubber ring on it and a clamp down lid.

    Can also make your own by putting sugar in a medium sized jar with whole vanilla pods.

    If you cant be bothered just add some vanilla in the mix 😉

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Are you using self raising flour? if you are using plain flour you need to add a raising agent….

    Guess who was good at home economics at school?? 😆 😆


    Yeah…. was using plain "cream" flour, in addition to baking powder….

    But I’m going to give the self-raising a try, and see how we get on….
    It may just be that my hotpoint oven doesn’t like baking! 😥 … so, we shall see!

    Okay… will have a look at the vanilla sugar… like that idea… 😉

    I SHALL get this right if it kills me…. I’ve always loved baking, and my granny, mom, the whole bangshoot were lovely bakers…. and this has just frustrated me no end…. I’ve been baking since childhood…. and just don’t have the same success over here…. (though my banana bread turns out the way it is supposed to… 🙄 )

    Thanks gals! xxx


    😀 yummy will deff try your choc cake

    Siobhán @ Mams

    really important too…do you preheat your oven? you need to preheat for 10 mins before putting the cake in or it may sink on you. (done that many times myself!)

    I made little M&S cupcakes with my girls the other day. 1.29 for the box and we made 15 little cakes with it, easy peasy, kind of feels like cheating doing it that way but kids loved it!


    Oh yeah, def pre-heat the oven….

    my gut tells me it is the flour combo…. don’t get me wrong, they do rise, they just don’t rise high enough for my liking! 😆 fussy mare that I am! 😉

    Will be doing my thing tomorrow… gotta get creative and come up with something "Tom and Jerry" like for the little man’s birthday… so, time will tell~!



    okay… give me an estimate… how high… cm wise would that normally rise?


    it’s not a huge riser so dont fret!


    "Marie’s Sticky Chocolate Cake"

    Put 300 ml (10.14 oz) sugar
    200 ml (6.76oz) flour

    Not being silly here …. but do you mean grammes as ml are for fluid measurements ??



    it’s from a swedish lady and that’s what she gave me 🙁 I use the oz measurements as the others seem odd to me and have never had a problem…

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