car insurance & ‘unemployed’

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    Just pricing around and was told by a broker that if you put down a spouse/partner as ‘unemployed’ it can generate a more expensive quote than putting down ‘house husband’…..interesting!!!!!

    Siobhán @ Mams



    no reason given just what the quotes threw up……maybe think ‘unemployed’ people drive around in their cars all day or drive with less care 😕 Can’t see the logic, if anything people on jobseekers benefit would be watching the pennies more and how much petrol they put in their cars!


    i came across this before in many cases… i used to start work at 5.30 or 6am and i was a Driver, i had a loading on my policy

    My brother who works in a hotel as a Doorman, was loaded too… they said his hours arent regular with shift work, he works in a sector where drink is sold, he told them he worked for my other brother in a sign company and insurance went down by about £600 (this was about 20 years ago)

    A Freind works in production in RTE, she said she gets hammered due to her job…. they have odd work hours and again told that they have to attend parties



    My dh cant get a quote off some companies because he is a mechanic. They think he will sup up the car, he wouldnt even dream about it. Its hard enough to get him to service it 🙂

    On our current policy he is down as a HGV Technician which is a posh name for a truck mechanic


    I was loaded a i was a driver… eh if i was safe enought to drive 24/7, would i not be save driving my car? I was told you would be reckless and drive faster then others 🙄

    A load of shite ifyou ask me…. the insurance companies are trying every trick in the book to reduce payouts,

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