Breastfeeding, ok where do i start!!!!!

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    I found I ran into brickwalls when it came to bf, I didnt want to demand feed I wanted to bf but fed every few hours more like a bottle fed routine, I had soothers for ds after a feed, he would feed for 20 mins then I’d pop him on a soother, bobs your anty…… but the midwives didnt like this idea and one kept pushng demand feeding, I was tired and sore and felt I was doing my best and didnt like being told I wasnt, I was fit to be tied at one stage 😳 😳 and I told one midwife where she could go 😳 😳 😳
    But all worked out well, ds was born 8’3 and by 2 weeks he was 12Ibs, they weighted him 3 times on 2 different scales 😆 😆 😆 They couldnt believe I was bf and the way I was doing it, it worked for us and ds thrived….. Im a firm believer in what ever works for you stick with it


    You are dead right. 8) 8) Its great to hear all the different ways it can work and does. ❗ ❗ Because it is important to know that the route to a happy and health mummy and baby is not any one in particular. And it is important to know this especially the first time round because you really are at the mercy of the "so called experts" and you really do listen for the advice because you think if they say it, it must be true 🙄 🙄 🙄 You really live and learn , don’t you 😕


    I know, my ds was sleeping through from 3 weeks and all I got was tut tut you should be still feeding him at night, he’s too young to go all night without a feed 🙄 🙄 🙄
    Then from the other side I had my sisters who didnt bf, telling me "Oh you’ll be doing night feeds until the baby is 1 or 2" 😆 😆 😆 😆
    We all think we are experts dont we 😆 😆 😆


    Yes we are all experts…………………………but only when it comes to our own. Thats what they forget ❗ ❗


    So true!!

    Taylor, weird that is coz I had opposite from my PHN she said i was feeding babs too much which was why he was getting sick a lot after feeds… i tried the 3 hr thing which she advised… more than every three hours…….it was awful worst few days we ever had, went back to on demand and he was fine………sometimes I think they just say opposite to what you are doing is right…..but just shows how all babies are so different and us mums know what our baby needs……but in those early days especially on your first its hard to learn to trust your instincts……


    You really are like a duck out of water in the early days and it can be a very scary time. I had dh home for 3 weeks and I cried when he was going back to work, I just felt so alone and frightened. My mind was racing with "what if I cant manage?" and stuff like that. But after the first day I was soooo happy and managed so well, dh was shocked that I even had a wonderful dinner ready when he got in 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Moonflower I think your right about the phn, they say the opposite is right 😆 😆 😆 😆 Well one did tell me I was doing a great job and the other told me I was WRONG WRONG WRONG


    Hi girls!

    Moonflower and anyone else – I hope you complained about your treatment at laytown…that is awful!

    For anyone hoping to breastfeedI would recommend you attend a LLL meeting before you give birth and in the very least, in the early stages. There is a Bettystown group and a Dundalk group. Also, Carol runs a bfing support group from Slane!

    In OLOL make sure you ask to see the Bfing consultant – her name is June and she is an angel! She is brilliant after you are discharged as well…if you are bfing and have ANY questions or worries please remember to phone parentcraft and ask them… they are happy to address your queries! On my first my baby lost alot of weight cause I had a bad latch..I went up to OLOl and they spent hours with me getting my baby on and supporting me. The help is there…just ask!

    Breastfeeding can be tough…so try to surround yourself with women who breastfeed. The support is vital for a good experience! There will be times when its sore…or tiring…or feels like baby is feeding FOREVER but its very rewarding too 😀 I just weaned my wee man at 15 months 😥 and can honestly say it was a really lovely experience.

    What ever you decide to do or however you decide to feed – ENJOY!!! Feeding your baby is one of life’s little pleasures!! 😀


    I put this on the AIMS website awhile back… its brilliant! … ch_on.aspx

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