Bettystown swim

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    Hey there….

    Quick question…. the swim offer in the Bettystown Hotel….
    is it only applicable in the morning?
    Reason I’m asking… is that DH and I want to bring the two of them, but dd is at playschool this morning, so we’ll take them this afternoon…

    If we mention Mumstown will we still get in for a fiver for child and parent?

    And where can I get a hold of adult swimming caps, without going to a sports shop?

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hi Chewie,

    This offer is open to Mumstown members all day Friday & Saturday.

    So if you and the hubby want to take the kids anytime Friday or Saturday, just go into leisure centre reception and say you’re a Mumstown member and its only 5 euro per parent & child, so 10 euro for 2 adults and 2 kids.

    My hubby and I took the kids last weekend and we had a great time and it was nice that daddy got to help out, we went around 11am Saturday morning which was fairly busy but still lovely

    The 10am Friday morning swim is always on and there are usually a few parents at this who have a yap and a cuppa afterwards.

    HTH 😀


    Sabbi i didnt know that, thats good to know

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Yep, its great for mums & dads who work on Friday but still want to go and its still only 5 euro for parent & child, so its a really cheap option for a nice morning out.

    Its only for mumstown members, this offer is not open to the public so don’t forget to mention mumstown when paying in 😀


    is the swim just for the toddlers ,iv been to the morning swim with my 2 babys when my dd was at school .but now she on holiday having been. she 7 would i be able to that her too.


    went this morning by myself with the boys the first time i went just me and the boys swimming, was lovely to go, ds2 loves the water the first time wasn’t to sure….

    LANA, any age can go doesn’t have to be just babies….we went a few sats ago and they only charged us 5 euro for dh myself and the 2boys happy days, ds1 wants to go everyday…think that would be pushing it….have to say i like the pool as getting in and out is really easy to do…


    Hi ladies,

    Is this a full size pool or a toddler pool? I have been bringing my ds swimming to the parent and toddler, on and off, since he was 6 months. I find that since he got tall enough to stand, he got lazy with trying to kick. Would be great to get him out of his depth again 😀


    the baby pool is 0.4m the main pool is then 1.45m so it’s deep enough….hth


    Well, I’ll def be doing that again! Just got back from the pool… all 4 of us… and it was fantastic. My daughter was like a little mermaid… you’d never have known she had never been in a pool before. And DS loved it too. Well worth it.


    thanks scole1 that great 😀 😀 i bring them in the morning. 😀 😀


    im dying to bring my son to this! think this coming friday is D day on it 🙂

    So, huggies swimmers are ok to put on him? does he need anything else like water wings etc? he is 3 months old. also is it ok to bring him at 3 months? he has had BCG and his first set of 6 in 1 vacs.
    info appreciated 🙂


    hi gillette, should be fine, swim nappies are fine, some people bring the baby seat things that they sit in and floats, but in your arms is fine….

    you can go fri or sat whatever suits…

    my ds’s love the water…..

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