anyone got a buggy for sale?

Home Forums Louth Chat anyone got a buggy for sale?

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    hey folks!
    just wondeirng if anyone or knows anyone that has a buggy for sale nothing falsh (my buggy is 3 wheels quinny type and huge and doing my head in)…looking for a 4 wheel fold up as small as possible and reclines full for the snoozes!thanks!


    i have an almost new one in my attic if you want it.i bought it and then didnt get much use out of it.your welcome to pop up and have a look at it.give me a ring on 0872911758.its not like a stroler but it is a very neat one.


    I have a pink stroller, got it in mothercare, it does lie back. folds up like an umberella. your well come to it if you want. free to take away.


    thanks girls I actually got a mam and paps on ein the sale!

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