Any tips to lower your risk of Miscarriage?

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    Hi Tracy
    I think your tips are great and hope I’d get to us them over the next year or two.
    I had a mc late last year and would love to ttc again, but Im worried about another mc. I was drinking a cup of coffee the other day and dh told me that 2 cups a day double your chance of mc!!!!!!

    Is there any other general tips which can lower your chances, ie like not holding lap top on legs etc..
    All advice welcome
    Thanks in advance


    Hi Taylor, I’m sorry to hear about your mc. I know how hard it can be. I don’t have any hard and fast rules to be honest…..sometimes there’s just no reason that we know of why a woman might miscarry.

    I believe the most important thing we can do is to give ourselves the best chance at a healthy pregnancy by being as healthy as we can and ultimately trusting that our body really knows what it’s doing – even if it doesn’t seem that way at the time.

    There’s so much information out there about what we should and shouldn’t be doing before we get pregnant, when we’re pregnant and after we’ve given birth. It’s a wonder any of use leave the house – everything seems to be dangerous !!

    Overkill with anything isn’t going to be good for you but sometimes a little common sense can go along way so my tips would be

    Eat a healthy diet
    Cut out the cigarettes and reduce alcohol
    Reduce stress (stress affects fertility)
    Be kind to yourself 🙂



    thank tracy,
    Yeah its a tricky one, mother nature is the one in control and we dance to here tune… as for the advice

    Eat a healthy diet – not too bad, just eat the odd takeaway once a week

    Cut out the cigarettes and reduce alcohol – dont do either

    Reduce stress (stress affects fertility) – only started stressing since mc 🙄

    Be kind to yourself – Now this is one I could improve, will tell dh its on medical advice 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Thanks for taking the time to post a reply and will keep you posted on any developments….. hope ot see you soon in OLOL (please God)


    Yep there’s a lot we can control – at the end of the day mother nature has the final say. Lots of women go through this experience and do go on to conceive healthy babies although it’s small comfort when you’re going through it.

    Tell your partner that being kind to yourself ‘could’ include some of the following….;

    Regular massage (by a professional or hubby!)


    Shoe shopping ….

    Anything that makes you feel good really ( that isn’t illegal, immoral or fattening 😉

    Hang in there !



    I went for one session of Reflexology with moonflower and it was fab, keep meaning to get back for another session soon….

    Shoe shopping 😯 I’d rather have my teeth pulled 😆 😆 😆 I hate shopping of any kind, so I skip that…

    massage 😉 now that sounds fab as long as dh doesnt want on back, Im far too lazy for that 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Im a firm believer that things happen for a reason and dont or should I say didnt over analise why it happened etc… I am glad I had ds before I had a mc, wouldnt like to have gone through that as a first timer
    Thanks again


    That’s a great attitude to have ! Hope things happen soon for you !



    Hi Taylor,

    I came across a lovely website the other day, its called and its a Canadian site that sells healing jewellery for people who have suffered a loss, ie miscarriage, there were some lovely items on there.

    Just a thought as some of them really touched a chord with me and the lady that set it up did so after suffering a miscarriage herself and needed to acknowledge this loss, i thought of you when I was looking at it…….I have a wonderful fertility brooch that was given to me by a friend and I wore it everyday during our IVF treatment……….and held it tight during the procedures I found it a great comfort…..

    Moonflower xx


    I have just been into the siteagain and it has changed since I last looked, its more commercial looking now but clicked into pregnancy jewellery and the items i saw are still there, with some beautiful verses on infant loss and fertility…..


    Thanks I’ll check that out, I have someone else in mind who I’ll sent the link to…. poor girl has has 2 mc in the last 4 months
    Your very good and thanks again


    my mam had 7 mc’s, 2 cot deaths (2 boys aiden and noel) but she went on to have 6 healthy children and 15 granchildren….she said that she wished there was as much information and advice or counselling when she was going though that the doctors and nurses weren’t sympathetic about women going though that type of grief…they were just told to go home and forget about it 🙁 …i was thinking of getting her something with the boys names on it because she doesn’t have any pictures of them


    Ah Joey thats so nice, Im sure she would love it. How about getting stars named after them.
    My mam was the same with both a mc and a very ill child, she was told to leave my brothers bedside and let him die and go home and look after the healthy children she had. My brother is alive and kicking 36 years later
    Thank God somethings have changed


    her 60th is next year so i’ll get it done for her then…it’ll be her 60th and my 30th next year
    can’t believe i’m that old!

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