Any New Stay at Home Mothers ??
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July 10, 2007 at 8:33 pm #1574
MemberHello All I am going to be a SAHM from September. My DS is starting school and my DD is one next week.
I have never been off work in my life !! Except for a few months maternity leave and even then I couldn’t wait to get back to work !!
I am looking forward to spending much more time with my children
especially my DD. But I am wondering if I will go INSANE
at home ??
I will be on a career break and can go back whenever I want – will I cave in and go back
?? It took me years to get where I am in the job, and I really love working there.
My nerves are gone thinking about it. Did anyone else feel like this
July 10, 2007 at 8:40 pm #29265pinkbabe
MemberI have the best of both worlds I think I am a qualified childminder so I can spend my time with my children & work @ same time. I don’t think you will go insane once you keep in touch with people outside your home.
July 10, 2007 at 8:41 pm #29266joey_rudd
MemberI’ve been a SAHM for nearly 3 years i have 2 children aged 2 1/2 and 10 mths and i’m due my 3rd in nov, i miss being able to go to work, or for a walk on my own, i’d go out and get a job but right now i can’t afford it…i’d need a fortune in daycare
just make sure you can get a break to do something you like doing or you will go nutsJuly 10, 2007 at 8:43 pm #29270Taylor5
MemberI loved work and never dreamed of ever staying at home…. until my ds arrived or mores the point when I had to return to work, I had creche booked etc… just couldnt bring myself to do it not even for a day. He was two last week and I love every minute…. we do art, coffee morings, fab nature walks, soon to start swimming with him…… not enough hours in the day to do what we want, bored Never, dont get time to be 🙄
July 10, 2007 at 8:49 pm #29271rossylisa
Memberim a sahm to i was meant to get ajob last september but didnt find anything id love to go back but wouldnt want dd in a crech or childminder if only i could get a job to suit around her school it would be brill
July 10, 2007 at 10:48 pm #29295MissyG
Memberi’m a new sahm after been working for years!!! taking a career break for the next couple of yrs & hope to return to work part time then.
my ds is gone 3 & my dd is now 8mths – its very strange, & there are times i ask myself am i doing the right thing, but i know i am & that’s what keeps me going – but looking for ways to earn extra cash cos we’re down to one wage – miss my wages big time!July 11, 2007 at 10:35 am #29356scole1
Memberhiya i’m a sahm now since 25th nove 2005…he he he the day i left for maternity…..i was returning to work but was very sick after having bab, then when it came down to it decided that heading back to work long hours with commute wouldn’t be fair, it’s taken me ages to get to grips with being at home and honestly if it weren’t for mumstown would still be moping about, it opened a world of information access to playgroups and an insight to what’s happening around the town…..but loving very minute of being at home with bab, keep busy by doing painting, arts and crafts, baking days, playdough, music class and gymboree, playgroups, days out the list is endless, i used to find the week dragged in but now it flies in…..you will find it hard at first as you’ll be soo used to aroutine with going to work, but then you’ve to now set your rountine at home…..see how you get on and sure the option of going back is always there if you need to…..or work from home everyone is different and some can feel quite comfortable staying at home and others need to just get out to work both are fine you just have to see what suits you and best for the kids…..anyway best of luck hope all goes well…. 🙂
July 11, 2007 at 11:27 am #29369redbells
Memberlove being a sahm 🙂 🙂
July 11, 2007 at 12:08 pm #29399Sinprey
Memberi love being sahm too, most of the time. but it aint for everyone . the only way u will know is give it a go. get out and about plenty but at the same time dont feel you have to run yourself ragged bringing the kids everywhere everyday.they have to entertain themselves too sometimes and its no harm for them to complain of boredom once in a while. i find my ds lately when left to his own devices will start making up adventures and games. you will also have days where you feel your head is melting but u can just give it your best shot. 😀
July 11, 2007 at 7:21 pm #29442Bookwitch
MemberWhen i only had one dd i worked full time for two years and travelled to Dublin on the train and it was very hard but it gave her great structure and routine I have now been a sahm since 2004 when I had dd2 and then in 2006 I had ds so I am on career break from public sector for the foreseeable future even if i wanted to go back the cost of childcare for three would eat up all the money. the main thing is to have a routine every day but with having the eldest in school will mean you have to follow a routine each day anyway so that should fall into place for you. There are pros and cons either way and staying at home doesn’t suit everyone. I know if I had enjoyed my job I would have stuck with it part time but i hated it so i was happy to leave but once all three are in school I want to study and work so although I am happy to be a SAHM for now I couldn’t do it forever.
Just give it a go for a year ot even six months and see how you go, but remenber to get out and do stuff and meet people staying at home doesn’t mean you are trapped and mumstown is always there if you need a chat or a moanJuly 11, 2007 at 9:17 pm #29444Happymammy
MemberHeya tiredma!!!!! 😀
You deserve the break hun youve reached your goal acheiving a good career and now its time for your kids to enjoy you, best of luck..
PS Really enjoyed those two glasses of wine earlier thanks babe ya the best x
July 11, 2007 at 9:19 pm #29445Sweetpea
MemberI am also a new SAHM just finished maternity leave and have decided to take a year or two out to be with DD. Still cant get to grips with the whole thing though, we haven’t quite got the routine thing together. Cant see myself going back to full time work but I think part time somewhere local would be nice …eventually. Will just have to see how it all pans out. But what I have heard from other mother (sahm and working) those first 2 years or so go by soooo quickly they say if you get the opportunity to spend it with them… do. So until Barney or Dora send me over the edge I am going to enjoy my time with my little girl as best I can.
July 11, 2007 at 9:26 pm #29447Taylor5
MemberSweetpea the past two years have gone in a blink of an eye… no money in the world would have been worth missing my time with him. There are days when I do question myself but after a game of hid and seek or chasing around the garden with loads of laughs and big hugs and kisses that still melt my heart I know its worth it. But as Lisa said I dont think I could be a SAHM forever
July 11, 2007 at 9:36 pm #29448Sweetpea
MemberMelt your heart is right, thoses smiles and giggles have a habit of sneaking up on you just where you start to wonder and then all is forgotten. They truly are worth millions but I know what you mean though about forever. But I’ll not worry about that for a while yet!
July 12, 2007 at 5:46 pm #29603Dinomum
MemberHi tiredma, I know where you are coming from as I too have worked hard to get where I am in my career. I work full time in dublin and have 1 dd nearly 4 now. I am actively looking into other options like flexi time at the moment cos I’m not entirely happy with the situation…I am lucky in that I can work from home a day now and again, but even at that I still have to leave A into creche to get anything done !! 😳 . I still feel sometimes that I have missed out so much with my dd up to now, even though she is in a brilliant creche and has come on so much better than she ever would have done if I was a sahm….She is due to start school in sept and i would so love a 4 day week or flexi time, just so I could pick her up or drop her off to school at least for one day.
I know that I could never be a sahm and I have the height of respect for those who can do it, but I do think that at some stage you need to reach a balance between the 2. All I can say is give it a shot at the end of the day, everyone is different and go with what works for you and dont ever let anyone feel that you are less of a mum because you work full time !!
Best of luck 😀
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