It is a very superficial answer.
I was always surrounded by rugby when I was a child and teenager, but never liked it (I don’t count the number of times we went to support the small local team).
Then I met my dh (mid twenties), and when we moved to Ireland I did start to watch it to be with him and really enjoyed it.
But at first the only thing that did attract me to rugby was to spend a bit of time with dh and the players BLUE EYES 😳 did not pay much attention to the game.
Now I know the irish players better, enjoy the rugby (the game) and still love the blue eyes.
dh knows about the blue eyes 😳 , you should have seen me when I first moved here I was staring at everyone, it was paradise surronded by so many blue eyes. Now 9 earys later, I still look but do not stare.
dh, me and my children have brown eyes.
Talk soon, Fabienne who still ask everywhere for tickets.