6 nations Rugby

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    Fabienne, I am curious, why do you support Ireland?


    It’s very early but ….
    I’m looking for 2 or 3 tickets for the Ireland / France 6 nations game on the 13th feb 2011.
    Of course want reasonnable priced tickets.
    I did see some on sale but 350 per tickets no way!

    Being french and supporting the Irish team it’s always fun. dh supports the french team, so at the end one of us is always happy. 😀 😀 😀

    And this year the game is for us on a very special day (sad and happy day) the 13th feb.

    So if anyone can help us.

    Talk soon,


    Hi Fabienne

    Its going to be much more difficult to get the 6 nations tickets this year now rugby has moved back to the Aviva stadium, capacity 50,000 instead of Croke Parks 82,000..

    DH always manages to get us tickets..I think through his rubgy club..maybe you could ask about joining Boyne Rugby Club?


    We get ours from my BIL… through the Club he coaches in.


    We are not part of a rugby club.
    We don’t play, neither are our children.
    I know that will be next to impossible to get tickets, but I have hope.
    Maybe someone on mumstown can have access to 2 extra tickets and will be willing to sell it.
    I ask everyone around, and hope.
    My father in law has season tickets for the french toulouse club "stade toulousain" and he also is trying to get tickets.

    Talk soon,


    It is a very superficial answer.
    I was always surrounded by rugby when I was a child and teenager, but never liked it (I don’t count the number of times we went to support the small local team).
    Then I met my dh (mid twenties), and when we moved to Ireland I did start to watch it to be with him and really enjoyed it.

    But at first the only thing that did attract me to rugby was to spend a bit of time with dh and the players BLUE EYES 😳 did not pay much attention to the game.

    Now I know the irish players better, enjoy the rugby (the game) and still love the blue eyes.

    dh knows about the blue eyes 😳 , you should have seen me when I first moved here I was staring at everyone, it was paradise surronded by so many blue eyes. Now 9 earys later, I still look but do not stare.
    dh, me and my children have brown eyes.

    Talk soon, Fabienne who still ask everywhere for tickets.


    Thats funny its all blue eyes in our family, my dad lord rest him had the most stunning Aqua Blue eyes….. I dont notice blue eyes but i do notice brown eyes. I really really love green eyes, very rare

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