The Better Birth Workshop – based on The Irish Better Birth Book (Liffey Press)
Did you leave your antenatal classes still unsure of your options?
Were you too nervous to ask questions?
Did you have time to get to an antenatal class?
Bring your partner !!
Join me for an information packed 2 hour birth workshop to help YOU AND YOUR PARTNER have a better birth !
Get all the answers your questions and more!
Tips to increase your chances of having a normal birth
Tips to help your partner be the best support possible.
Avoiding the big episiotomy.
What is a birth plan and why you need one?
Is it ever too late to get an epidural?
Induction – what happens and why most women don’t need it
How safe is homebirth?
What are my options if my baby is breech?
Organic Birth
Can I have a normal birth after a cesarean?
60 Euro per couple
Pre-booking is essential contact Miriam Fox or Tracy Donegan for an enrollment form at 087 9765 153 or 087 057 2500
Stabannon Co. Louth – Yoga Fox Studio (just off the M1)
Edited for date change