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Well girlies!! Im home alone 2day – in here i mean!! Where on earth is everyone!!!!????!!!!!!! Boss in foul humour as per usual so said id actually do a bit of work this morn!

Jes Yummy, what do ya think was wrong with wee J this morn??!! Do you think somethin happened in school yest that put him off goin in. I rem when a woman used to work here, her wee fella who was then in 1st class went hysterical out of the blue n refused to go to school, she literally had to drag him out of the car. Ended up the teacher ridiculed him jus one day n took it to heart. Got sorted in the end of course. But id def look into it n sit J down n chat to him as if you were talkin bout d tv kinda chat!! Poor thing!

Yep my wee man STILL hides in the middle of clothes racks on me in shops! Think he jus does it cos i hate it!! I do get more looks for screamin!

HOPEFULLY someone will be in later when i came back in!!!!!! Talk soon girlies!