Re: Too BCG or not too BCG?


She has to do what she feels is right – no one call tell her what is right or wrong because this is such a contentious issue and people’s opinions are very strong about it. We hesitated getting our son this vaccination but then there were some cases of TB popping up so we decided to get it in the end to prevent him getting TB. None of our babies had any reactions to any of the vaccines but I used to worry alot about this.

The vaccines have changed in recent years, I used to be worried about the levels of mercury in them (it was used as a preservative) and I used to worry about the live ingredients in them too but nowadays, the vaccines are not live and there is no mercury in them (at least there should not be) so they were the main worries I had and I used.

I used to make the doctor/nurse check there was no mercury before we would agree to it – they were not overjoyed at me asking so many questions but I told them we would not let ours kids have it until we had the answers to our questions!

Hope that helps a little – there are some homeopathic remedies you can give a baby before and after vaccines to help them, you can contact Bernie Condon about that if you want to ask her for some tips on remedies, she is on